LEARNING OBJECTIVE : 7.1 Describe simple harmonic motion. In the last section, we derived kinematical equations describing simple harmonic motion as well as Newton’s law equivalent describing the relationship between restoring force and acceleration. The presence of restoring force is an essential ingredient for a body to perform simple harmonic motion. We will now explore how to start such a...
Newton’s Law F=ma equivalent equation for SHM
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: 7. 3 Describe the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of an object exhibiting SHM. As described in previous section the force and acceleration of a body of mass m performing SHM can be related as : $F = m a = – kx$, hence $a = – \frac{k}{m} x = – 4 \pi^2f^2 x $ This means we can find the frequency of the vibration from the force equation as...
Kinematics of simple harmonic motion
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: 7. 3 Describe the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of an object exhibiting SHM. In Physics we study the motion of a body using equations. If the motion can be described using equations, we can accurately predict the position, velocity and acceleration of the body at a given time. When we studied linear motion or the motion of a body moving in a straight line with...
Vibrations and Simple Harmonic Motion
LEARNING OBJECTIVE : 7.1 Describe Simple harmonic motion 7.2 Describe the frequency and period of an object exhibiting SHM. Consider the following motions: An object pushed on a frictionless surface: The object will start moving as the work done by the person pushing it converts into the kinetic energy of the object. The object will continue to move in one direction continuously unless disturbed...